Natural Pest Control

There are many things that can keep your plants from thriving. Using all-natural methods of pest control is very effective and in the long run the healthiest option for you and your loved ones as well as our precious ‘Āina and Moana. 

Because pests that overrun a garden don’t just live in your garden an all-natural approach to gardening is helpful for your neighbors as well. 


Pesticides kill...everything.

Pesticides get into the ecosystem beyond your garden and into the air, ground and ocean. Using pesticides kills everything, including: natural enemies of the pests that harm your plants—parasitoids (parasites), pathogens, and predators. Pesticides also harm pollinators which are essential for many crops. Fortunately, there are many effective natural ways to fight pests.

Four Strategies to help control pests naturally.

  1. Biological Control of Pests. Introducing enemies of pests that can harm your plants to your garden.
  2. Companion Plants. Some plants naturally produce phytochemicals that suppress or repel pests. Some can also enhance the flavor or yields of the target plant.
  3. Trap Cropping. Pests can sometimes completely ignore a plant that you are looking to cultivate crop when another plant they like more is planted nearby leaving your favored plant unharmed.
  4. Planting to Support Beneficial Insects. Incorporating certain plants as part of your garden can help it thrive. Planting for pollinators and to support the beneficial insects is an important strategy.

Notes from the Garden

How to Use Trap Crops

Using trap crops or companion planting is a great organic way to draw beneficial insects and to keep the harmful bugs away from the plants you want to keep bug-free. We grow marigolds and dill for this purpose. Check out this terrific article from The Old Farmer’s Almanac.

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Growing Your Own Food in Hawaii

Growing your own food can save you money, get you outdoors, and help you learn about where your food comes from. It’s a great way to eat healthier and have fun with your family at the same time!

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